Friday 26 September 2014

RIP orostachys fimbriata

You may remember a little while ago my post on orostachys fimbriata (found here). It has gone from strength to strength since the photo was taken. Until last night that is.  I went outside this morning to find a hole where the plant used to be and soil scatted all over the ground.

A fox had dug it up.

We have a real problem with urban foxes in London, and there is one around here that likes to dig. It doesn't seem to mind where it digs, empty flower beds, or into gravel or through plants themselves. 

So where my lovely little orostachys fimbriata once was, just a hole. Careful sorting through the gravel did turn up to tiny offsets so fingers crossed I can grow these on, but it is not exactly the best time to be removing offsets.

So in memory of this lovely little cluster of plants here is the original photo as a reminder.

RIP orostachys fimbriata, and foxes beware this means war!


  1. I wonder what a fox would want with a plant? Sorry to hear!

  2. Oh. Sorry. What a sweet plant that was. Foxes. Urban foxes. I had no idea...

    1. In London urban foxes are a real problem, they feed from the rubbish bins and have no fear at all.

  3. I also have a problem with squirrels digging up plants. Magpies peck open the rubbish bags.
