Wednesday 25 July 2018

Some potted things

The succulent rockeries have greatly reduced the number of plants in pots (down from over 400), but there are still one or two that can't be planted. I have been slowly building a set of nicer pots and some of these have even been left to get on with it, instead of plants being moved every year.

This little echeveria minima is stubbornly refusing to offset. Instead it just continued to grow into little towers

The problem with these really small pots, is stopping them drying out. I am tempted to start again with this one, in the hope of getting a more lush clump of plants.

Others have been more successful. The abromeitiella chlorantha is starting to fill the pot.  It dried out a bit over winter, but has come back, with only a few brown leaf tips now. 

Winter watering is obviously a problem. Getting the right balance between die-back and elongated winter growth needs to be improved.  This echeveria cuspidata var zaragoza is great, it just needs to offset a bit more to properly fill the pot.

The sedeveria letiza loves its new pot. It has got a bit leggy in places and while there are smaller heads coming through,  it is starting to show gaps.

The agave albopilosa continues to grow. A few of the terminal spines are starting to turn fluffy. It seems as happy outside as in the green house over the summer.

It is funny to think that these were new a few years ago, there have been some great photos of peoples plants, all seed grown and getting to a decent size.

One of my favourite agaves is A. FO-076 (the old agave titanota).  My compact form is really toothy now.

It has a very similar look to my supposedly variegated mediopicta form, which saldy has lost any sign of variegation.

I have tried it in sun, shade and in the greenhouse. I know that with some plants the variegation varies depending on light levels. Thankfully so far no signs of my normally variegated plant going plane green.

It stopped growing for a while, each time there is an offset, but now seems to be growing at the usual titanota rate.

Most of the variegated agaves seems to be coping fine with the sunny summer we are having.  The pot of variegated agave filifera. This is a large bowl, and they are doing their best to fill it.

The agave bracteosa monterrey frost seems more keen on offseting than growing.  In full sun (Uk sun that is) the plant is a paler green, compared to those in dappled shade.

I was looking through old photos the other day, and noticed how much the agave parasana fireball has grown.  Parasanas are one of my favourite agaves, so structural.

The other more inetesrting variegated agave is the A gypsophila cv lemon and lime.  The variegation is getting better, again I am not sure if direct sun or shade is best to bring it out.

I think that's enough for now, I'll do the aloes next time.


  1. Such pretty plants! I just picked up an albopilosa about a month or so ago and excited to see it grow. Your echeverias look amazing. They might be a bit leggy but they have such tight rosettes and they're so plump. Mine look more like stunted trees after the winter lol.

    1. I would use winter to stretch my plants, then I could top cut them come spring, it was my way of speeding up plants to propogate.

  2. gypsophila (now they call it pablocarrilloi) scorches easily in a lot of sun here, though our sun is much stronger than yours.

    Interesting to see the differences in your climate vs. mine. Your parrasana has a more open habit than mine. A beautiful plant either way. My 'Monterrey Frost' has never offset. Our albopilosas could be twins, despite the difference in climate.

    1. I do have a little gypsophila in sitting in a shady part of the garden, but the larger one is in the greenhouse. As you say though our sun is much weaker than yours.
      I would have thought parrasana was one of the less variable agaves, so interesting that you can see obvious differences in growth habit.
      My "Monterrey Frost" all offset madly. drives me mad as the means that's where most of the energy goes and they are very slow to grow.
      And the albopilosas seem to be fairly constistant in form, which is good as they wouldn't look good elongated.
