Saturday 27 September 2014

Look what I found

I got to spend some time in the garden today and look what I found dropped the other side of the garden gate.

It appears that the fox carried it around for a bit before deciding it wasn't edible.  Amy commented on the last post asking why foxes would take plants, and I have no idea. I would guess that the digging up is to get at worms, but why they would take plants, or even just carry them in their mouths for a bit is a total mystery. Maybe it got spoked and ran off before it could drop the plant.

So while the plant is not quite what it was, at least the two largest are still around and stand some chance of surviving to form new clumps.


  1. I tried googling your dilemma and found this link :

    maybe its similar to what's posted in this article? I have the exact plant and I could see it mimicing food.

    1. It seems to be certain foxes, there were a lot at the last house, but they never dug in the garden. I have to figure a way to stop them, can't be covering the plants every night.

  2. Fox?!? Okay, I guess that's what your country has instead of Coyotes. Gotta love the internet--I learn something new every day!

    Your dog is no help as a repellant?

    1. The dog is actually a sort of foxing terrier, when she is about no foxes would come near the garden. Sadly they have so little fear that as soon as she is not around they happily come back.

  3. Try sprinkling bone meal around your favorites - it seems to repel animals [deer/moose] here from the garden. Just an idea.

    1. Sadly I think it has the opposite effect for foxes, a friends included it in some of his pots only for foxes to target those.
