So I grow all 4 in the garden and have had them all flower at different points, A. Polyphylla for the first time last year, but sadly not this year. The rest are flowering better than ever.
The photo above shows the largest clump of A. striatula. There are three clumps around the garden, all flowering and two, for once, aphid free. You can see that it is rampant, and has turned my ordered, tidy succulent bed into more of a jungle.

The A. saponaria I have is a variegated clump. It started off as one plant, and is now a clump of variegated plants, some better than others. I am always surprised it survives each winter and then flowers.
This years flower is the best to date. The flowers have good colour and are a decent size. In the morning sun it glows, the photo does not do it justice.
The bees are a bit unsure of the aloe flowers, they are finding out how to access them so seed pods have been few to date. This year with everything flowering so well, it may be time to try some hybrids. I was thinking about which to try and remembered I already owned an A. aristata x A. striatula which is very disappointing in both looks and hardiness. So it looks like it is going to be A. aristata x A. saponaria and A. strataula x A. saponaria instead. To try and ensure the best success, I will be getting the paint brush out to help everything along.

Then you have the haworthias and the aloe x haworthis crosses, but that may have to be another year.
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