Sunday 14 July 2013

The annual flush

Over the years 3 cycad revolutas have made their way into the garden, a small:


& large.

They seem to be borderline hardy in London, the fronds deteriorate over a two year period, so it is lucky that mine seem to flush on a two year cycle. It is well know that the trick to getting cycads flush is to mimic their natural rainfall, and provide copious amounts of water, along with high nitrogen feed, from the start of spring.  Some people have great success in getting yearly flushes, so far mine are every other year. The two smaller ones flush together with the large one flushing the following year. This year it is the turn of the large one.

It always amazes me how quickly things develop, this was last Sunday, with the old fronds still left on the plant and the new ones just starting to appear.

Then today, the old fronds removed and the new ones well on their way.

It helps that we are having a proper heat wave (for the UK) with todays high being 32C. They basked in the sun all day, then got a good soaking in the evening. If the heat continues it will be great for all the plants, giving them a proper chance to put on some serious growth ready for winter. 

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